The Kikthawenund Chapter, NSDAR, strives to fulfill the goals of preserving history, promoting education, and encouraging patriotism. Below are activities in which we have led or participated.
Historic Preservation
- Help locate, support, and promote preservations of landmarks, historic structures, and graves of American Revolutionary War Patriots
- Locating and marking our organizing chapter members’ graves
- Provide proof of a direct link to the American Revolutionary War Patriots for membership eligibility
- Help others preserve their family genealogy and resources
- Help make historical records accessible
WAA Maplewood Cemetery 2023 - Participate in Wreaths Across America

- Scholarships
- Genealogy research for prospective members
- Conservation
- Support NSDAR approved schools by collecting box tops
- Local high school and eighth-grade American History Essay Contest
- DAR Good Citizen Awards
- Monthly guest speaker programs
- Informative monthly chapter presentations
- Literacy Promotion — Chapter Book Club
Chapter members donated many books to the Alexandria Bookmobile. - Constitution Week Education
- Recognize Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corp
- (JROTC) programs
- Community Service Awards
- Distribute United States flags
- Distribute pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution
- Promote patriotic activities
- Support activity-duty military and their families with a letter-writing campaign
- Donate supplies to the veterans
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters
Banner – Constitution Of United States Of America We The People courtesy of M. Harris – Pixabay
Last Updated 6 months ago